
The Centre culturel francophone de Geraldton mainly hosts activities and events organised by Le Club canadien français de Geraldton, incorporated in 1977, and  by La Joie de Vivre de Geraldton, a club for francophone seniors created in 1987. Together, they have around 300 members.

Contact: Robert Gélineault
Phone: (807) 854-1170

Room rental 

The Centre's rooms are available to any individual, organization or business that wishes to rent them. The Centre can accommodate many different kinds of activities and events: wedding receptions, baby showers, business meetings, workshops, dances, etc.

                                            Room Rental Price List 2023

Main Hall

Downstairs Room

Kitchen Minimum Use

Kitchen Complete Use

Day Meeting





Evening Meeting





Special Events






For reservations, call Anne-Marie Gélineault at (807) 854-0189
or fill out the online form

Cleaning and disinfection of the room, tables, bathrooms and floor is included in the above prices.

Access to games (Pool and bean toss) : $10

Sound system : $25

Please note that the person or organization renting the room:
1. a) is responsible for any damage to the rooms or the equipment
    b) is responsible for emptying the garbage cans and depositing them in the outside dumpster at the front
        of the building
2. must obtain the appropriate permit if alcohol is to be served

*** Key not returned : $150
*** The prices can change without prior notice.

The main room
The main room

The downstair room
The downstairs room

The Kitchen
The kitchen


Le Club canadien français de Geraldton



Club Canadien Français de Geraldton
The goal of the Club canadien français is to unite French speaking Canadians in friendship, camaraderie and harmony. 

The Club organizes activities in French for people of all ages, like the "sugar shack" in March, the Canada Day brunch, a Christmas party for the kids and many more.

There are also Euchre games on weekends at 7 pm on Saturdays  from September to the end of June.


Anyone who wants to promote the Club's objectives can become a member. The member card cost $5 annually. You can contact Anne-Marie Gélineault at (807) 854-0189 for more details.

The Club canadien français operates a French Resource Centre, with a large selection of French books, magazines, DVDs and CDs that can be borrowed for free by Club members.

Resource Centre hours :
Monday to Wednesday
1:00 pm - 5:00 pm
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Resource Centre inventory
For more info about the resource centre : (807) 854-1170
Coordinator : Lucille Dumais

General contact: Pauline Violette
Email:  a-m_gelineault@hotmail.com

La Joie de Vivre de Geraldton



This non-profit organization's mission is to bring together the francophone and francophile seniors of Geraldton for various social activities, allowing them to share their francophone heritage.

The room where member can go use the looms to create many different products
Since 1987, members of La Joie de Vivre have gathered for suppers, workshops, potluck dinner and social activities on Franco-Ontarian Day, Valentine's Day, Halloween and more.

The group does a lot of crafts, especially weaving, which is facilitated by a dedicated weaving room equipped with 7 looms. Their products include tablecloths, placemats, tea towels, dishtowels, and blankets.


Anyone who speaks French and is 50 or older can become a full fledged member by paying an annual fee. They have the right to vote during meetings and to siege on the board.

French speakers between 45 and 49 years old can become associate members. They can attend the meeting and share their ideas, but they cannot vote or get elected to the board.

La Joie de Vivre celebrated its 27th anniversary with the creation of a book, for which many seniors volunteered. On November 14th, 2015, the book was launched. It is available from the project coordinator, Monique Perreault.

Cost: $15 (+$5 if postage is necessary)
Email : moniqueperr@gmail.com

Contact: Claudette Pelletier
Email: lajoiedevivre1178@gmail.com

A brief history

Le Centre culturel francophone de Geraldton was incorporated in 1991.

This structure was originally known as
Roy Barker's potato barn, some even calling it the potato shed. After Roy Barker passed away in the mid 70s, his wife sold the building to a French club organization in the early 80s. The entire building was then remodelled on two floors of 2700 square feet each including four bathrooms, storage areas, a 500-square-foot kitchen, a 1500-square-foot clubhouse, a 300-square-foot resource centre, a 300-square-foot office, a 700-square-foot weaving room and a 1700-square-foot banquet hall. The building address was changed to 299 East St. and is presently owned, operated and maintained by Le Centre culturel francophone de Geraldton.